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Learn how prioritizing joy in your life and your business affects your bank account.

I attended my first Joy Money Matrix two-day workshop in 2019 and instantly knew this aligned perfectly with the work of Move Over Extroverts. To quote Lauren, the creator of JMM:

“JOY MONEY MATRIX is a paradigm shift in how you make every single decision in your business and life. No longer will you be ruled by the bottom line alone. Instead imagine the revenue that comes from being aligned with your joy while you say, "No thanks!" to the activities, clients and marketing that don't light you up. 

A permission slip that gives you the freedom to operate in a way that maximizes both joy and revenue. Hate email? Email begone! Can't stand facebook? Delete it from your phone! Ready to stop selling? Give it up for good...and still. make. money.  

It might sound too good to be true, but the JMM works off of my basic premise- the Joy Imperative- which states:  
When you prioritize JOY, your REVENUE increases.”

Check out more details here


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